Quilts, Coverlets & Linens Online AuctionSunday Nov. 26th @ 5pm CSTHeld at7811 Hwy. 300Roland, Ar. 72135
This auction has a great variety of handmade quilts & tops in several patterns - Classic Bow Tie, Dresden Plate, Fan, 9 Square, patchwork, Postage Stamp, Post Card, Log Cabin, Drunkard's Path, Lincoln's Platform, Sunbonnet Sue & Overall Sam, Signed Friendship, Carolina Lily, Tulip, Irish Chain, 4, 6 & 8 Pointed Stars, and variations of some basic patterns. Some are pieced, some appliqued some both.There are also some great "Crazy" quilts and tops with all variations of crazy quilt stitching., 2 late 1800's overshot coverlets - Tri-color and blue & white. Hudson Bay & Penny's Hudson Bay style wool blankets, 2 - Victorian Era Sleigh/Carriage blankets in great condition, 2 sets of 1950's "Bark cloth" curtains, several vintage & Retro crochet bed spreads, Chenille spreads, throws & afghans.Several of these items are stunning in person and in great shape for the age!Linens consist of Doilies, table cloths, chair protector sets, 4 cushion couch red ticking cover set, kitchen towels, aprons, unfinished printed towels & pillow cases, and some assorted lots. Preview at our 7811 Hwy. 300 location by appointment through the week or come Saturday Nov. 25th from 12-4pm for PUBLIC OPEN PREVIEW. Here is the link to the catalog https://www.auctionzip.com/auction-catalog/quilts-coverlets-linens-online-auction_AJGMAQ1BEU
Terms & Conditions - We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover CREDIT & DEBIT cards & PayPal or Stripe as payment online. CASH and Arkansas checks w/ proper photo I.D. will also be accepted at pick up. A 5% Auctionzip.com online platform fee will apply to all purchases. No added Buyer's Premium. Please see the COMPLETE Terms & Conditions On the AuctionZip.com online listing.
Auctioneer - John Saugey CAI, AALB Lic. No. 1319Please contact us if you have any questions about this auction or how to consign to one.
Pickup will be at our 7811 Hwy. 300 Roland Ar. 72135 location on Monday & Tuesday Nov. 27th & 28th from 11-6pm both days.
This auction has a great variety of handmade quilts & tops in several patterns - Classic Bow Tie, Dresden Plate, Fan, 9 Square, patchwork, Postage Stamp, Post Card, Log Cabin, Drunkard's Path, Lincoln's Platform, Sunbonnet Sue & Overall Sam, Signed Friendship, Carolina Lily, Tulip, Irish Chain, 4, 6 & 8 Pointed Stars, and variations of some basic patterns. Some are pieced, some appliqued some both.There are also some great "Crazy" quilts and tops with all variations of crazy quilt stitching., 2 late 1800's overshot coverlets - Tri-color and blue & white. Hudson Bay & Penny's Hudson Bay style wool blankets, 2 - Victorian Era Sleigh/Carriage blankets in great condition, 2 sets of 1950's "Bark cloth" curtains, several vintage & Retro crochet bed spreads, Chenille spreads, throws & afghans.Several of these items are stunning in person and in great shape for the age!Linens consist of Doilies, table cloths, chair protector sets, 4 cushion couch red ticking cover set, kitchen towels, aprons, unfinished printed towels & pillow cases, and some assorted lots. Preview at our 7811 Hwy. 300 location by appointment through the week or come Saturday Nov. 25th from 12-4pm for PUBLIC OPEN PREVIEW. Here is the link to the catalog https://www.auctionzip.com/auction-catalog/quilts-coverlets-linens-online-auction_AJGMAQ1BEU
Terms & Conditions - We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover CREDIT & DEBIT cards & PayPal or Stripe as payment online. CASH and Arkansas checks w/ proper photo I.D. will also be accepted at pick up. A 5% Auctionzip.com online platform fee will apply to all purchases. No added Buyer's Premium. Please see the COMPLETE Terms & Conditions On the AuctionZip.com online listing.
Auctioneer - John Saugey CAI, AALB Lic. No. 1319Please contact us if you have any questions about this auction or how to consign to one.
Pickup will be at our 7811 Hwy. 300 Roland Ar. 72135 location on Monday & Tuesday Nov. 27th & 28th from 11-6pm both days.